How to Get Big Arms and Biceps - Gain Muscle Mass Fast With This Routine

The first exercise most guys ever try in their life is the barbell biceps curl. Big arms that can be shown off in a t-shirt are impressive and make you look strong. The only problem is the misconception that doing lots of curls will make your arms and biceps get huge. The bicep is only 1/3 of the arm muscle and the triceps makes up a whole 2/3 of the arm. So to get really big arms you really need to focus on the triceps rather than neglect them by doing endless curls.

A good way to work the biceps and triceps is to do supersets. This is when you take a pair of muscle building exercises like barbell curls for biceps and lying extensions for triceps and do them one right after another. Pick up a barbell and do a set of strict curls for about 8 to 10 reps and then rest for 1 minute. Then take the barbell and lying on the floor or a bench and do a set of lying triceps extensions for 8 to 10 reps. This is 1 superset. All you need is 3 to 4 sets and you'll be ready to move onto another muscle building exercise to assist you in your quest for big arms.

If you want to get an entire upper body workout while building your arms you can superset dips with pull ups. This is a great way to get big arms and biceps while also building your back, chest, and shoulders. You can do 5 supersets of pullups with dips and then follow it up with the bicep and tricep superset of curls and extensions. The direct work your arms will get from these heavy exercises will pre exhaust your arms and you won't need to use as heavy weights on your exercises.

The best way to gain muscle mass fast is to follow these tried and proven routines. Get Big Arms and Biceps with these top rated programs for developing massive muscles and getting ripped fast! Save yourself the trouble of wasted efforts.

Gain Muscle Mass by reading more articles on the latest and greatest muscle building supplements, muscle building workouts, and strength development techniques. Get in shape for your sport or just look great on the beach.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Porter