Muscle Building Tips To Combat Stubborn Arm Growth

Many bodybuilders have found that despite their best efforts, their arms simply won't grow. They might be overtraining, undertraining, or just plain doing it wrong. Here are a few tips for getting those stubborn arms to grow.

High Volume

Muscles grow when blood is forced into them. If you have all the other aspects of your diet and nutrition down, then the focus becomes "What can I do to move more nitrogen-rich blood into these arm muscles?" At this point, high volume training should be considered. More sets and more reps mean more blood flows into the area. Just watch for overtraining.


For stalled smaller body parts such as calves or arms, some trainers recommend an initial "blitz" in which the muscle group is hit with a brief yet intense training session every day for 5 to 6 straight days. The belief is that the muscle has become accustomed to a once-weekly workload and will no longer grow from it. However, daily ambushes upon the muscle group force it to face a new, nearly insane challenge, and it will grow as a result.

Calorie Boost

You can't get big arms without excess calories to be used for growth. If you're dieting, your arms are shrinking, not growing. Many trainers forget this simple, obvious fact. If the goal is to grow your arms 1+ inch, you should be eating 500 calories per day in excess of what your body burns.

Focus on forearms.

Many bodybuilders often ignore forearms, as biceps/triceps are the showpiece arm groups. However, if the forearms lack functional strength, they might be the failing point in biceps or tricep exercises. Strengthen them, and see if your biceps and triceps suddenly carry a bigger workload. Additionally, well-developed forearms make the upper arms look better in most poses.

Lose the cardio

Many bodybuilders who are near-ripped year-round often suffer from small-arm syndrome. They never allow their bodies the calories, or their Central Nervous Systems the resources, to grow. As a result, their arms do not grow. If this describes you, cut cardio by 75% for a month and see if the arms start to grow.

Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for BodybuildingToday.com. If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit www.BodybuildingToday.com, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.

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